


This federally funded program enables parents to receive assistance when they are trying to further their education or gain employability skills. 

  • 是阿肯色州的居民.
  • 为21岁以下子女的父母.
  • TANF-Have an open DHS case, TEA or be 250% below the poverty level. 

*Ex. 一个三口之家的年收入必须在54300美元或以下.


  • 教科书 & 供应
  • 学费
  • 考试费用:NCLEX, TEAS, CNA
  • 照顾孩子
  • 气体


Awarded to high school seniors that apply and meet the criteria established by the 澳门大学校友会技术奖学金委员会. 

  • Approximately six (6) new scholarships are awarded each year.
  • This scholarship pays tuition only for bc365游戏-CTC technical classes within a student’s 选择的学习项目.


The Woodman of the World Insurance scholarship is awarded to one bc365游戏-CTC student each 学年. 

  • 奖学金是每学期300美元的课本费.

美国退伍军人协会- 111后奖学金


  • 奖学金每学期250美元.
  • As designated by the American Legion—Post 111, preference is given to military veterans.


This is designed prepare Arkansans with disabilities to work and lead productive and 独立的生活. To achieve its mission, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services provides 各种培训和职业准备项目. 现场服务包括职业 and technical education and training, transition from school to work or post-secondary education, on-the-job training, and ancillary support 服务 that clients may need 为了成功就业.

  • Interested persons should contact their local Arkansas Rehabilitation Services Office to determine if their disability will qualify them to receive financial assistance 在上大学期间.


This is the newest of 状态 grants, with the purpose to increase the education and 以负担得起的方式提高阿肯色州劳动力的技能. 助学金适用于学生 enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), or regional high-demand 研究领域. 

  • Covers tuition and fees for qualifying certificate and Associate degree programs at 阿肯色州的公立学校招收符合条件的学生.
  • 名额有限,先到先得.
  • 申请人必须:
    • Have either graduated from an Arkansas public school, private school, home school, or received a high school equivalency diploma approved by the Department of Career 教育, or verify that he or she has resided within the 状态 for the three (3) years immediately preceding application and has either graduated from an out-of-状态 high school, private school, home school, or received a high school equivalency diploma 经其他国家批准的;
    • Be enrolled part-time or full-time at an approved institution of higher education in a program of study that leads to an associate degree or a certification in a STEM or regional high demand field; and
    • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

A student may continue to be eligible until the student has:

  • 获得副学士学位;
  • Received funding from the AR Future Grant for five (5) semesters;
  • Failed to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as determined by their institution of higher education; or
  • Failed to complete mentoring or community service requirements.


The purpose of this award is to encourage bc365游戏 College of Technology Adult 教育 General 教育al Development (GED) graduates to pursue post-secondary education and training goals that will lead to more productive and fulfilling lives.

  • An applicant must be a GED graduate of one of the bc365游戏 Adult 教育 Program Centers 在阿什利县.
  • Applicants must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours at an accredited post-secondary institution and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5或以上.
  • If approved for an award, the applicant must enroll at least half-time (six credit hours) in credit-bearing courses at one of the three bc365游戏 campuses.
  • Applicants must be recommended by a bc365游戏 faculty or staff member.

An application form must be completed in ink or typed and submitted to a bc365游戏 College of Technology-Crossett (bc365游戏-CTC) administrator (Vice Chancellor, Assistant Vice Chancellor, 辅导员或学生服务主任).

  • The recipient of the scholarship must provide proof of enrollment at one of the bc365游戏 campuses for the semester in which the award is to be received.
  • If the recipient fails to enroll in bc365游戏 within one year from the date of award, the 奖学金将被撤销.
  • The recipient may reapply for the scholarship in subsequent semesters/terms provided 他/她保持2.5 cumulative GPA, not to exceed a lifetime total of $1,000.

员工的创新 & 机会法案(WIOA)

This award brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal 对技能发展的投资:

  • Employment and training 服务 for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser 就业服务由美国政府管理.S. 劳工部(DOL)通过公式 grants to 状态s; and
  • Adult education and family literacy programs as well as State Vocational Rehabilitation Services programs that assist eligible individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment; both core programs are administered by the U.S. 教育部.

Interested persons should contact their local Workforce Center to determine if they 有资格获得WIOA培训援助. 那些被认为有资格获得WIOA的人可能会收到 financial assistance to cover their educational costs for tuition, fees, textbooks, 和/或供应.


AHDC is a dynamic organization delivering critically important 服务 across the 状态. To be eligible for assistance, you must have worked in agriculture in the last 两年,符合收入标准. 

  • Provides qualifying applicants with funding for tuition, books, supplies and also 支付2美元的小额津贴.每小时50元.
  • AHDC has the capability to co-enroll with other agencies so the student receives more 服务.

Questions regarding any of the opportunities on this page may be directed to:

